rhone and arve river junction

The confluence of the rhone and arve - a unique natural phenomenon that may be observed in geneva, the second largest town in switzerland. Arrow, where it joins the powerful streams, is a compound of two contrasting sunglasses of mountain rivers. Water of the rhone, which has its origin at the slopes of the aar-gotthard and the resulting lake geneva (leman) are turquoise.

rhone-arve river junction

For the river arve, the source of which is in graian alps are extra common gray and muddy pitch; such gloomy sunglasses due to speedy flow, which raises the lowest of the rocks, mud and dust. The confluence of the rhone and the arve is located in l.  A. Jonction, in the western part of geneva . 

Watch the fine arrow with a special built pier. Attain the remark deck you can walk from the bridge sous-terre, situated at the proper financial institution of the rhone. Further, in the opposite course from lake geneva, move alongside the waterfront, along a shady alley sentier des saules to the confluence of streams. The space from the bridge to the sous-terre arrow - approximately seven hundred meters.

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