Isla de las mulecas (island of dolls) is a creepiest traveler destination in xochimilco, mexico devoted to the soul of a young female who passed away at a smooth age.
island of the dolls
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Over fifty years in the past, don julian santana left his wife and infant and moved onto an island on teshuilo lake inside the xochimilco canals. in line with some, a younger woman really drowned within the lake, whilst most others, together with his family, say don julian santana simply imagined the drowned lady. regardless, don julian santana dedicated his existence to honoring this misplaced soul in a unique, fascinating, and—for a few—unnerving manner: he accumulated and hung up dolls through the hundreds. ultimately, don julian transformed the entire island into a type of weird, (for some) scary, doll-infested wonderland.

Don julian santana began gathering lost dolls from the canals and the trash close to his island domestic. he is also stated to have traded produce he grew to locals for more dolls. santana did no longer easy up the dolls or try and repair them, however as a substitute put them up with missing eyes and limbs, included in dust, and normally in whatever ramshackle state he located them in. even when dolls arrived in desirable shape, the wind and climate became them into cracked and distorted variations of themselves.

Don julian also saved his cabin filled with the dolls, which he wearing headdresses, sunglasses, and different accoutrement. notwithstanding the fact that the majority found the isle scary, don julian noticed the dolls as beautiful protectors, and he welcomed traffic, whom he would show round, charging a small charge for taking images. in 2001 don julian santana changed into discovered drowned in the identical vicinity wherein he believed the little woman had died.
island of the dolls
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island of the dolls
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